Black Lives Matter: Donate, Petition, Educate + Manchester protest info
Let’s get to the root of the problem. Click the image to sign this petition.
Although many schools choose not to use the National Curriculum, objectives are often based on them as schools develop their own schemes. The fact that none of the below is detailed in the current National Curriculum is wrong. As schools tailor their curriculum to their own children, this should be front and centre as a human issue.
Imagine growing up armed with knowledge of facts that aren’t covered up or denied access to by a whitewashing of the curriculum – being opened up to real histories that impact directly on current affairs that affect children’s families directly, often with an injection of fear – rather than revelations as an adult via social media. The country owes that to its children, now more than ever.

Manchester Tribute by Akse

Read more on his Instagram.
In the 1860’s Manchester, known as Cottonopolis, imported up to 3/4 of all cotton grown on southern US plantations; but millworkers refused, at great personal sacrifice, to touch raw cotton picked by US slaves despite facing starvation and destitution in order to support President Lincoln’s embargo. Lincoln acknowledged the self-sacrifice of the working men of Manchester in a letter he sent in 1863. Black Lives Matter. Manchester will always show its support against injustice. RIP George Floyd.
#akse#p19#graffiti#art#streetart#manchester#mcr#georgefloyd#blacklivesmatter Special thanks to the @outhousemcr for the support
Manchester BLM Protests: When and Where?

Photo by Kenny Brown
You may not feel comfortable joining hundreds of people at close quarters – coronavirus is very real and has not gone away.
We know, for whatever reasons, people from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds are at greater risk, which is another reason to be overly cautious. The risk of a second spike is on the horizon and there are already quarters looking to blame BLM protests for that, despite the widespread pictures seen from crowded beaches and the fact that Cummings’ antics have almost single-handedly facilitated an anti-lockdown paradigm.
Although the protests below encourage social distancing and are vitally important reasons to leave the house, if you’re unsure or need to shield for others, perhaps consider making a difference online by donating, writing to your MP to react to the research findings, or speaking up against those that don’t get it (but not the bots and trolls, don’t waste your time).
Don’t feel imaginary peer pressure or that you’re a bad person if you choose not to go – we live in unique times fighting against an eternal inequality.
If you do attend – please enact social distancing out of respect for others.
If you’ve landed here and are wondering what any of this has to do with Manchester or the UK, or why it’s offensive to counter with ‘all lives matter don’t they?’… maybe head to the Education tab.
Static socially distanced peaceful protest.

The next #MCRBLM socially distanced peaceful protest. Find more info here and follow the hashtag here.

Who can I donate to?
The protests are making waves and are badly needed, but many may not feel comfortable given we’re in a pandemic. Should you wish to donate somewhere, here are a few ideas.
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Minnesota Freedom Fund
Black Visions Collective

Split a donation between 38 bail funds
Reclaim The Block
Campaign Zero
Unicorn Riot
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
Where can I petition?
A template: Write to your MP asking them to respond to the BAME COVID-19 findings
The ‘whatabouters’ are out in force but the upside to them posting their ‘whatabboutery’ is that they may actually learn something in the process. Some useful links for those that may or may not want to confront their own ignorance.
Natalie Morris: Can white people experience racism?
CNN: How you can support marginalised communities
For our white friends desiring to be allies
The unbearable grief of Black mothers
It’s not a Black person’s job to teach white people how to be less racist, but advocates like Layla Saad continue to guide people through the process.

Protests happening in Manchester on 5th, 6th and 7th June to stand in solidarity with those facing injustices in America. #BlackLivesMatter #letusbreathe #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #MCRBLM #StandTogether
— R (@ryasmxn) June 1, 2020
SAY THEIR NAME (a UK thread)
— Shan (@illh0eminati) May 29, 2020
This speech was so powerful! #blmmcr
— #Thug (@PaigeChristieUK) May 31, 2020
Based on this article,, I’ve consolidated some highlights as to how white folks can be anti-racism allies:
— Chanel Matney, PhD (@ChanelMatney) May 31, 2020
#Manchester is having another #BlackLivesMatter protest in Piccadilly gardens on Saturday 6th June. I’m taking a calculated risk to go. It will be my essential item for this week.
— IGLAM – Jass Thethi (@JassKThethi) June 1, 2020
— charles (@CharlieGarratt_) May 31, 2020
A few shots from today’s #BLM march in #Manchester. #BlacklivesMaters #BLMMCR
Don’t let anyone say the #BLMMCR protest wasn’t PEACEFUL. ✊
— #Thug (@PaigeChristieUK) May 31, 2020