Featured 19:00 R.A.P FERREIRA + CONTOUR + ELDON & AJ SUEDE Featured August 11, 2023 @ 19:00 R.A.P FERREIRA + CONTOUR + ELDON & AJ SUEDE Now Wave presents R.A.P. FERREIRA Live at YES Basement Manchester 11th August 2023 £12 18+ 7pm £12
Featured 19:00 R.A.P Ferreira + Contour + Eldon + AJ Suede Featured August 11, 2023 @ 19:00 R.A.P Ferreira + Contour + Eldon + AJ Suede £13
Featured 19:00 Jimetta Rose and the Voices Of Creation Featured August 14, 2023 @ 19:00 Jimetta Rose and the Voices Of Creation Another Sons and Daughters of Lite cover follows as Jimetta leads the choir in the groove-drenched ode to self-affirmation Operation £18.75 – £20.75
21:00 Masta Ace & Marco Polo / BOTW August 28, 2023 @ 21:00 Masta Ace & Marco Polo / BOTW Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, US, Masta Ace, a.k.a Duval Clear, is an American rap artist, originally finding fame as £20