Exclusive Download: FULGEANCE // GR8 MMNT {MINI CLUB EP}
I first met Fulgeance a couple of years back in Manchester, when he played over at Eurocultured with Onra. I’d never met anyone with MPCs in dual flight cases before, and this guy wielded them like a samurai does swords or a b-boy does their boombox (if they were carrying two, that is… maybe I should give up on metaphors).
He was a sick guy – ultra friendly and mad passionate about beats. A little while back he introduced me to the lush sounds of Jesse Futerman with his Groovement Glamoure Mix, celebrating the release of the 12″ of the same name.
You might have heard his recent collab with DJ Soulist as Souleance on First Word Records, and his EPs have seen the light of day on One Handed Music and Musique Large.
His newest, self-released, project is a bastardised library music reimagining available on his Bandcamp. It’s a synth-soaked antidote to the waves of slowly-becoming generic 4/4 material that’s doing the rounds. He’s kindly let Groovement make available a free download of a 192kps version of the track GR8 MMNT, one of the standout bangers. To get the high quality version, cop the EP here!
Download GR8 MMNT (192kbps) Fulgeance – GR8 MMNT 192kbps